Here is MY STORY!!!

I was hit by a car while walking and nothing was ever the same again….

Yes, I have bad days BUT…………

My results were so LIFE CHANGING… I had to share the solution

Why Do I Want To Help You??

Well, I understand pain. I understand limitations. I understand how life changes when you don’t have energy or mobility.

I understand, I was hit by a car while walking in a parking lot in 2011. Inflammation, pain, arthritis and missing activities with friends and family became my life.

Fast forward to October 2023, I was at my Witt’s End!! I had joint pain, all over muscle pain and spasms. I was tired of appointments with doctors, physical therapy and occupational therapy. I was tired of watching my life go FLY by. I was also concerned with what pain relievers and stronger medications were doing to my stomach and liver!!!! I was also tired of the extra expense of copays and medications.

Turns out, finding this protocol was one of the Best Things I’ve ever done. I took a simple blood test, made the dietary changes and started to enjoy my life again. I waited for the pain to return… IT HASN’T. I know what to eat and I know what to avoid!!

I am able to go for walks, exercise with a personal trainer, travel and so much more!!

WHAT WOULD YOU DO?? If you weren’t in Pain??